Is former President Trump going to be indicted? It certainly appears so.
On August 8, dozens of FBI agents raided Trump’s residence at Mar-a-Lago. While executing a search warrant, agents retrieved over 100 classified documents. Federal authorities are investigating whether Trump violated the Espionage Act, mishandled federal records, and obstructed a federal investigation.
Whether Trump is in fact guilty of any of the above is hard to say. I’d wager that it’s common for former presidents to benignly mishandle classified information, i.e. fail to fully comply with what is undoubtedly a complex set of rules for the handling of such materials. But because Trump is enemy number one as far as the powers that be are concerned, he’s held to an absurdly high standard. That or he's just entirely innocent, which is of course possible.
Former Attorney General William Barr recently said that the DOJ is getting close to having enough evidence to indict Trump for the above. Other high profile legal figures have agreed that Trump is headed toward an indictment.
Unfortunately for Trump, he is also facing criminal probes related to January 6, the 2020 elections in Georgia, and the Trump Organization. You can read an in depth breakdown of these here.
Obviously, an indictment and a conviction are two separate things. The likelihood of Trump receiving the former is high. However, as to whether he will be convicted, it’s harder to predict.
On the one hand, if federal prosecutors ensure Trump goes to court in DC or Manhattan, there’s a good case to be made that he’s sure to lose. We understand how partisan and biased these courts are. So long as Trump could potentially run again for office, in the eyes of the regime he is a threat that needs to be neutralized.
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