For whatever reason, I haven’t seen too many Christmas movies. And those which I have seen, I saw when I was a child. This is all very strange given that Christmas is and has always been my favorite holiday.
I sought to rectify this sorry state of affairs this year. So far I have only managed to watch two. Clearly, I have some work to do before Epiphany (January 6), when Christmas officially ends.
A Christmas Story (1983) and Home Alone (1990) were the first two I went for. Both I saw when I was very young, and as such I remembered next to nothing; it was as if I was viewing them for the first time. They are deservedly considered classics yet ultimately very different films.
The former was my favorite of the two. I thought A Christmas Story was wholesome, cheerful, and wonderfully nostalgic. The film consists of the adult Ralphie narrating the events surrounding one particular childhood Christmas. His reminiscence captures the enjoyment, challenges, and spirit of being a child quite well. I found myself fondly thinking back to my own childhood memories of Christmastime, playing with neighborhood kids, getting into some harmless trouble, and so forth.
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